How to apply a link to a call to action button in your Landing Page?

You can add a new call to action button or change the one you already have, modifying the content to guide the user towards the action you want them to take.

Let’s see how to do it in a few steps:

  1. Log in to your Doppler account. Go to the Lists section and then Landing Page. In the Landing Pages editor, choose whether you want to start a Landing Page from scratch or continue with one you’ve already started.

  1. In the Properties section, update the text to whatever you need for the Call to Action field.

On your Landing Page, you can assign a link to the call-to-action button and take the visitor to another Landing Page or URL.

#DopplerTip: You can also highlight text and create a hyperlink in the same way.

Ready! Now you know how to edit the button on your Landing Page to adapt it to the objective of your Marketing action.

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