How to replicate Automation Campaigns
If you already make Automation Campaigns, now we want to inform you of the news that you will be able to replicate these communications to make them more effective and save creation time. ¡Start now!
Contact Policy: what is and how to configure it
Thanks to this feature, you can limit the number of Campaigns your Contacts will receive from you in a period of time, and define a rule according to your strategy.
How to activate and send Push Notifications?
¿Envías Campañas frecuentemente? Ahora incorporamos Notificaciones Push y puedes aprovecharla como un nuevo canal de envío de mensajes de tu marca.
How to connect branches in your Automation flow?
If you already use Automation, we have a new feature with which you can create your flows in an easier and faster way, you will love it! What is the Connect feature? “Connect” is a feature of Automation, which allows you to link different branches of the flow. That is, when bifurcation conditions exist, […]
Why don’t my contacts receive the SMS I sent
If you notice that your SMS shows Delivered, but your recipients never received them, it is possible that the delivery providers have restricted your content. If this is your case, we will help you understand why it happens and how to solve it 🙂 What are shipping providers At Doppler we use different telecommunications operating […]