OnSite: Popular Products Widget
Learn in this article how to create this Widget, which will help you promote interaction on the Website, by showing best-selling products and thus, boost sales in your Online Store.
Let’s see how to do it 🙂
1. Log in to your Doppler account at https://app.fromdoppler.com If you don’t have an account yet, register for free by clicking here.
2. Once nside your account, go to the main menu and select the OnSite option.
3. Click Create Widget to get started. Then select the Popular Products option.
#DopplerTip: For OnSite to work properly, you need to integrate a tracking code into your website. There you will need to fill in the required information as you can see in the following screen:
4. Then you will be able to configure aspects such as:
If you want to review in detail you can check the following note 🙂
5. Once you have configured your Widget, you will be able to view it as follows:
Great! You’ve learned how to create a Popular Products Widget that will allow you to make more effective and user-friendly communication with your E-commerce.
If you have any questions, please contact our support team 🙂
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