Guide to managing your Contacts Lists
A Database is the cornerstone of any Email Marketing strategy, so it is imperative that you know the keys to managing your Lists effectively. In this tutorial you will discover all of them!
Import your Contacts Lists
The first step you need to take before sending your Emails is to import your List. To do this, you must create a file with all the details you are going to use from your contacts.
Mapping Fields is one of the most important parts in this stage. It is essential that you make sure there’s an assigned Field for each data on your file. For example, if you include “phone numbers” in your List, you must create a Custom Field called that way.
Create Segments
You want to customize your shipments to the max? So it would be a good idea to create Segments from Lists, it means, group your contacts according to certain demographic criteria such as sex, age, nationality, marital status, income and many more.
This way, you can target specific content and adapt it to the needs and interests of each Segment. Thus, you will achieve a better reception of your messages.
You want an example? Imagine you have a company that sells products for both men and women public. For Mother’s Day, you can create a Segment including all women Contacts and design a personalized Email to arouse a special interest among them.
Create Custom Fields
Would you like your customers to perceive that your offers are specifically designed for each of them? One way to accomplish that, is by including Custom Fields in your Email pieces.
You can use this option to greet your customers when it’s 1 year since their first purchase at your company. Send a Campaign saying: “Did you know that you join us since [[[aniversarydate]]]?” and offer him a gift or a special price to celebrate this event.
Keep your Lists healthy
If you’re looking to increase the effectiveness of your shipments, nothing better than auditing and cleaning up your Database. And Doppler will assist you on this mission.
Firstly, try to check the List Uploaded Report to find out why your contacts have not been imported. If the main cause is a lot of Hard Bounces, we suggest you checking your Contacts origin. If you have too many Removals, you will have to revise your strategy, in order to reach your audience with valuable content.
Secondly, it is important to do the proper administration of Hard and Soft Rebounds and inactive contacts, it means, those who have a certain accumulation of unopened Campaigns.
Grow your Database
To attract new customers to your business you need to increase the number of Contactson your Lists. Nothing better than our forms to achieve this! Creating a form in Doppler is so much simple and you can customize it to your liking, by adding the Fields you need.
Best of all, you can use different ways of publication, and you may share it by using a public URL, integrate it into your WordPress website or publish it on your Fan Page tab.
Put into practice all these tips now! If you don’t have an account in Doppler yet, create it for free right here. If you manage your Lists properly, your Email Marketing strategy will be a success.
Hola, tengo una duda. Forzosamente tengo que tener campo de nombre y apellido?
Hola Michelle, el único dato que necesitas tener de forma obligatoria es el “Email” de cada Suscriptor, el resto solo te servirán dependiendo de la acción puntual que quieras implementar. Aunque te sugerimos que también solicites el dato “Nombre” de forma de poder personalizar tus Campañas especificando el nombre de cada Suscriptor. De todas formas, es importante que sepas que cuanta más información tengas de tus contactos, más fácil será segmentar y personalizar tus envíos. Saludos, Noelia de Doppler 🙂
me gusta pero no me puedo registrar
¡Buenas tardes Dilwin! ¿Has tenido problemas para crear tu cuenta? Prueba este enlace: Si sigues con problemas no dudes en escribirnos a
Saludos, Julieta de Doppler
Hola, no logro (después de haber leído todos los enlaces e instructivos) ingresar mi lista de clientes para automatizar fechas de cumpleaños, para que les llegue mail saludándolos.
Hola Marina, ¿aún no has logrado hacerlo? En ese caso puedes escribirnos a e indicando el motivo de tu consulta y te ayudaremos. Saludos, Claudio de Doppler.