How to use Email Automation on your business
Do daily tasks consume most of your time? We have the solution! Automated Email Campaigns allow you to set up a series of automatic actions once certain criteria happen, such as client’s anniversary date, subscription to your blog, interaction with your previous campaigns or navigation in your site.
What’s Marketing Automation?
A concept that you must know before you enter this fascinating world is the Customer Journey: it is the path a potential customer goes through since he discovers that he has a need until he completes the purchase or contracts your service.
Once you know how your Customer Journey is at the palm of your hand and you manage to identify all the points of contact with your customers, you will be ready to manage and automate the conversion processes from the acquisition to the final purchase.
In this way, you leave technology in hand with the work that you would have to do daily and manually at the same time that you achieve:
- Shorten the sales cycles
- Increase revenue
- Guarantee a greater ROI in your Marketing Actions
Why should you use Email Automation in your business?
The answer is simple: if you take into account that 50% of the generated prospects are qualified but not ready to buy, you will realize the importance of cultivating those leads to guide them through the purchase cycle.
The key to an effective Lead Nurturing process is to arrive with the right message at the right time.
Take advantage of technology to manage and automate conversion processes through the various points of interaction that the user will have with your brand!
You can offer more personalized experiences that will help you position yourself in the minds of new consumers.
Uses of Email Automation
Can’t you think of ways in which you can take advantage of this type of shipments in your company? Don’t worry! Here we tell you some:
- Confirm the registration to an event.
- Welcome Subscribers who have to join your lists.
- Greet your contacts on their birthdates.
- Send a gift to your clients for their customer anniversary.
- Guide new users in the use of your app or tool.
- Remember the expiration of invoices and agreed on appointments.
- Send a catalogue of products related or similar to those they have already purchased or intend to acquire.
- Provide information according to the interaction with your previous Campaigns (whether or not you opened the Email if you clicked on any link or none), or to navigate through one or several pages of your Site.
- Reactivation of clients.
- Know the behaviour that your visitors make through your Website or E-commerce, and take advantage of that information for decision making.
- Send Abandoned Cart Emails to those who did not complete their purchase, or of Visited Product to those who entered in a certain product of your Store.
Do Email Automation with Doppler
Currently, in our tool you can find different options for your Email Automation Campaigns:
- By Scheduled Dates (for a day of the week, month and year)
- By Subscription to List
- For Campaign Activity
- On Site-Tracking
- Abandoned Cart
- Product Retargeting
- Automation RSS (to send the latest news from your Site or Blog)
From the platform, you’ll be able to access detailed Reports on Delivery Rate, Openings, Clicks and Removals.
In addition to this, you will see a daily grid of the shipments that have been made on each date with their respective data.
That’s not all! You will be able to analyze the path your Subscribers have made towards your final objective by analyzing the Report called Conversion Funnel.
Thanks to him you will know what percentage of Emails were sent, delivered and opened as well as what it’s Click Rate was.
Also, you will be able to know which are the contacts that have more interest in your Campaigns by visualizing the Loyalty Report.
How can you calculate it? Easy! Through a system sum of points according to:
- If the person opened the Email
- If he did it more than once
- If he clicked on any of the links
- If he shared it on social media networks
- If he opened more than one Email in the flow
As you can see, Email Automation will help you maximize your work and your results as if you had a great team and budget.
If you learn how to implement it correctly you can save a lot of time, money and effort to dedicate it to other important tasks of your company.
Have a great Campaign!
¿Es posible exportar reportes de campañas automation como los de las campañas “normales”?
¿Qué me recomendación me darían para evitar que los correos lleguen a la carpeta de promociones (y por ende no los abran) y/o el newsletter pueda ser visto correctamente (independientemente el proveedor hotmail, gmail, etc.)
Como seria sus honorarios para trabajar con Doppler Gracias
Hola Alexander, le hemos indicado tu email a nuestro equipo de Atención al Cliente para que uno de nuestros representantes pueda ponerse en contacto contigo y asesorarte con respecto al plan ideal para tus necesidades. Saludos, Sebastián de Doppler 🙂
En la opción “por Fechas Programadas” es posible editar la frecuencia? Necesito automatizar un email de recordatorio 3 meses después de una fecha determinada (diferente en cada contacto).
¡Hola Agustina! Te invito a visitar nuestro artículo para comprender cómo crear tus Campañas de Email Automation en fechas programadas. ¡Saludos!
Gracias Equipo de Doppler por esta alfabetización digital. Estoy finalizando con ustedes el curso de Email Automation (y por supuesto que necesito seguir haciendo cursos con ustedes), y sencillamente me falta demasiado! Iniciando el 2019 una joven experta en Marketing me ayudó creando un sitio en weebly, otra persona me ayudó con instagram, y quiero aprender más pues necesito tener un blog. Ejercí como profesora de matemática por 34 años y hace 4 años soy Podóloga Clínica. La crisis me ha permitido pensar que debo mejorar mi propuesta de valor y para ello quiero entregar contenido relativo a podología, ya que las atenciones podológicas han bajado un 98%, No se por dónde empezar. No se que será más conveniente, si crear un blog (tendría que goglear para aprender, pero me demanda muchas horas de tiempo y me desgasto) o en el mismo sitio de weebly, ir actualizando. Tengo claro cuál es mi PROBLEMA: desmotivación alta para crear contenido de valor, debido a que no manejo las herramientas que me permitan llegar a la gente por las RRSS. Leo demasiado, dedico muchas horas de estudio, pero no concreto nada. Agradezco me hagan las observaciones para mejorar. Soy de finales de la generación Baby Boomers con algo de resistencia a toda esta revolución digital, pero con gran disposición de adaptarme a los cambios. Sin más quedo atenta a una voz de aliento!
¡Hola Mary!
Antes que nada, ¡qué bueno que te estas capacitando! Es el primer paso para tener éxito.
Te recomendamos seguir realizando cursos para continuar aprendiendo, siempre es importante ser constante a la hora de capacitarse.
También puedes buscar un experto que te asesore en tu negocio y en lo que puedes realizar. Hay un montón de profesionales de Marketing Digital que puedes consultar, dependiendo el país en el que te encuentres. Algo más personalizado te puede ayudar a encontrar esas ganas y poner en acción todo lo que has aprendido y aprenderás.
¡Te felicitamos por tu iniciativa!
Saludos, Sole de Doppler.